to Tenant Protections!
Prevents homelessness through deeper protections against evictions
Reduces allowable rent increases while ensuring quality housing
Creates an enforceable right to negotiate as a tenant union
Increases protections for seniors living in affordable housing
Other amendments and improvements to the language in the ordinance that can be found here.
East Bay Community Law Center
Eviction Defense Center
Jesse Arreguin, Mayor of Berkeley and Candidate for State Senate
Jovanka Beckles, AC Transit Director and Candidate for State Senate
Sophie Hahn, Berkeley City Councilmember and Candidate for Berkeley Mayor
Kate Harrison, Former Berkeley City Councilmember and Candidate for Berkeley Mayor
Adena Ishii, Candidate for Berkeley Mayor
Cecilia Lunaparra, Berkeley City Councilmember
Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilmember
Igor Tregub, Berkeley City Councilmember
Andy Katz, East Bay Municipal Utility District Director and Candidate for Council
Nikki Fortunato Bas, Oakland City Council President
Chip Moore, Berkeley Police Accountability Board Chair and Candidate for Council
Jenny Guarino, Head Steward with UAW 4811 and Candidate for Council
Ana Vasudeo, President of Berkeley School Board
Jennifer Shanoski, Berkeley School Board Director
Leah Simon-Weisberg, Berkeley Rent Board Chair
Soli Alpert, Berkeley Rent Board Vice Chair
Dominique Walker, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Xavier Johnson Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Nathan Mizell, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Vanessa Danielle Marrero, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Ida Martinac, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Stefan Elgstrand, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Andy Kelley, Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
Chris Schildt, Chair of Berkeley Housing Authority
Jeffrey Carter, One of the original drafters of the Berkeley Rent Ordinance

Learn more!
What would Measure BB do?
If approved by the voters, Measure BB would:
Protect seniors in low-income housing by giving them access to services and protections provided by the rent board.
Cap rent increases at 5% in rent-controlled units (currently 7%).
Codify the right to form tenant associations in large and corporate-owned buildings and require these large/corporate landlords to bargain over the terms of the lease if the tenants elect to do so.
Who supports Measure BB?
Measure BB is the consensus choice in Berkeley. It was put on the ballot by a majority vote of City Council, and is supported by numerous elected officials, including all three main candidates for Mayor and both candidates for our State Senate district. Measure BB is also endorsed by the Democratic Party and several Democratic clubs, as well as a number of labor unions and community organizations. In contrast, competing Measure CC has no organizational endorsements other than the Property Owners’ Association which put it on the ballot.
What’s the deal with Measure CC?
Measure CC is a corporate-backed measure which would:
Raise the ceiling on rent increases to 7.1%.
Remove the rent board’s ability to enforce code violations such as mold and rats.
Prevent the rent board from suing landlords who violate the law.
Make it easier to evict tenants by removing certain just-cause eviction protections.
Funnel public money to landlords by putting them in charge of existing public funds designed to keep people in their homes.
If both measures get over 50% of the vote, whichever one gets more yes votes will become law. Therefore, it’s critical to vote yes on BB and no on CC.
Would Measure BB affect golden duplexes or accessory dwelling units (ADUs)?
No. Measure BB would not change existing law as it pertains to golden duplexes or ADUs. Measure BB is aimed at large and corporate landlords, not small landlords or residents that rent out a backyard unit.
How does the right to organize provision work?
Similar to collective bargaining in the workplace, this measure would allow tenants in large buildings (10+ units) or properties that are owned/managed by a corporation the right to form a tenant association. Landlords would be required to meet at least once per quarter and bargain in good faith over the terms of the lease.

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Our community partners are on the front lines in the fight for tenants' rights across the Bay Area, advocating for fair housing policies and protections. We stand shoulder to shoulder with them, proud to offer our support for their upcoming ballot measures that aim to secure affordable housing, prevent unjust evictions, and ensure dignity and stability for all residents. Together, we are working towards a future where every individual can thrive in safe and secure housing.
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